Insieme ad Atleti, famiglie e spettatori, siamo entusiasti di accogliere oltre 1.000 Honored Guests a Torino e nei comuni circostanti in occasione dei Giochi Mondiali Invernali Special Olympics Torino 2025.
Il Programma, su invito, è riservato a coloro che già supportano il Movimento Special Olympics, inclusi rappresentanti istituzionali, partner, donatori, celebrità e dirigenti di Special Olympics provenienti da tutto il mondo. Altri si uniranno a noi come nuovi partner e sostenitori.
Gli Honored Guests avranno l’opportunità unica di partecipare attivamente ai Giochi. Potranno consegnare medaglie durante le cerimonie di premiazione, visitare il Programma Salute e partecipare a esperienze sportive unificate con gli Atleti grazie al nostro programma Unified Sports®. Alcuni Honored Guests selezionati potranno anche sfilare nella Parata degli Atleti durante la Cerimonia di Apertura, uno dei momenti più apprezzati!
Il Programma Honored Guests riunisce questo gruppo selezionato di persone per un’esperienza unica con Special Olympics.
Athletes, honored guests and others meet to celebrate the global golisano health leadership awards on June 19th, 2023 in Belrin, Germany
Dillon Vibes
Berliner Abend vor den Special Olympics am 16.06.2023 in Berlin, Deutschland. (Foto von Moritz Eden/City-Press GmbH)
Moritz Eden/City-Press GmbH
Opening ceremony, complete with parade of athletes, musical perfomances, and calls for togetherness
Reese Bland
Opening ceremony, complete with parade of athletes, musical perfomances, and calls for togetherness
Reese Bland
Supporters of Special Olympics meet for the Founder’s Reception on June 18th, 2023 in Berlin, Germany during the Special Olympics World Games. Location: Messe Berlin.
Dillon Vibes
Honored guests partner up with Special Olympics athletes for a Unified Sports Experience badminton tournemant on June 18th, 2023 in Beriln, Germany
Dillon Vibes
honored guests, athletes, and volunteers come together for a fun game of beach volleyball
Reese Bland
Opening ceremony, complete with parade of athletes, musical perfomances, and calls for togetherness
Reese Bland
The 2023 Special Olympics World Games kick off with an epic night of celebration and joy during the Opening Ceremonies held at the Olympic Stadium in Berlin, Germany The Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023 have officially begun with Opening Ceremony held on 17 June 2023. Each World Games host city has a unique way of kicking off the most inclusive sporting event of the year and Berlin wove their theme #UnbeatableTogether though every aspect of the ceremony.
Dillon Vibes/Dillon Vibes
Athletes receive awards after their winning performances in table tennis on June 22nd, 2023 in Berlin, Germany during the Special Olympics World Games. The awards were presented by actress and Special Olympics supporter Elisabeth Rohm. Athletes receive awards after their winning performances in Badminton on June 22nd, 2023 in Berlin, Germany during the Special Olympics World Games. The awards were presented by actress and Special Olympics supporter Elizabeth Rohm.
Dillon Vibes