
Marco Ciccolella

DanceSport combines elements of dance and athletic competition. Athletes perform choreography to music, which may include a variety of dance styles such as ballroom, modern dance, hip-hop, and others.

Types of Competitions:

  • Individual: Athletes perform choreography alone.
  • Pair: Two athletes perform choreography together.
  • Group: A team of athletes performs synchronized choreography.
  • Freestyle Choreography: Athletes express their creativity through a freely choreographed dance.
Additional information about Special Olympics competitions


One of the fundamental aspects of Special Olympics is “divisioning,” a process that groups athletes based on gender, age, and ability. This system ensures balanced and fair competitions, allowing each athlete to compete against opponents with similar abilities.

Training and Preparation

Special Olympics athletes participate in structured training programs, supervised by qualified coaches. These programs focus on developing technical skills, physical endurance, and understanding the rules of the sport. The training is tailored to meet the individual needs of the athletes to maximize their potential.

Support and Integration

Special Olympics events are supported by a network of volunteers, coaches, family members, and friends. This support creates a positive and inclusive environment where participants can grow athletes and as individuals.

Values and Goals

Special Olympics is not limited to competition. It promotes fundamental values such as:

  • Inclusion: Every athlete, regardless of ability level, has the opportunity to participate and compete.
  • Respect: Athletes are encouraged to respect themselves, their teammates, opponents, and the rules of the sport.
  • Determination: Athletes learn to overcome challenges and continually improve.
  • Joy: The sports experience is also a celebration of fun and personal satisfaction.