From 9:00 PM on Friday 7th to 9:00 PM on Saturday 8th March 2025, trains may be cancelled or changed due to a national strike by FS Group, Trenitalia, Trenitalia Tper and Trenord staff.
Long-distance trains guaranteed in case of strike
For Regional transport, essential services are guaranteed in the event of a strike on weekdays from 6:00 to 9:00 and from 18:00 to 21:00. The lists of guaranteed services can be consulted on the official Trenitalia timetable and on, for Trenord on the website and for Trenitalia Tper on the website
The strike may lead to changes to the service even before it begins and after it ends.
Passengers who intend to cancel their trip may request a refund starting from the strike declaration:
- up to the departure time of the booked train, for Intercity and Frecce trains;
- up to midnight on the day before the strike itself, for Regional trains;
- alternatively, they may reschedule their trip, under similar transport conditions, as soon as possible, subject to seat availability.
Information on connections and services also through the Trenitalia app, the Infomobility section of this site, the site or via the Trenord App, the site, the toll-free number 800 89 20 21, as well as at ticket offices and from customer service staff.
Minimum services guaranteed in the event of a strike
On strike days, Trenitalia ensures minimum transport services , listed below, deemed suitable by the Guarantee Commission for the implementation of Law 146/1990.
Trains that are in transit when the strike has begun will still arrive at their final destination if it can be reached within one hour of the start of the strike; after this period, trains may stop at stations preceding the final destination.
Long-distance trains
In the event of a strike on weekdays and holidays, Trenitalia guarantees the long-distance trains shown in the table available here .
In the event of a general national strike for the renewal of the collective labor agreement, which falls on a holiday, lasting no more than 24 hours and starting at 9:00 p.m. on the day before the holiday, Trenitalia guarantees the long-distance trains shown in the table available here .
Regional trains
In regional transport, essential services have been established during the busiest time slots (from 06.00 to 09.00 and from 18.00 to 21.00 on weekdays; from 07.00 to 10.00 and from 18.00 to 21.00 on holidays).