Closing Ceremony

The Special Olympics World Winter Games Turin 2025 will feature two Closing Ceremonies to celebrate the achievements of the athletes. The Ceremonies will be held simultaneously starting at 18:00 in Sestriere and in Turin on 15 March.

The Ceremony in Sestriere held at Parcheggio Rabbieras 1 will feature closing remarks from Turin 2025 Local Organizing Committee President Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Special Olympics CEO Mary Davis, Minister for Disabilities Alessandra Locatelli, Minister for Sport and Youth Minister of Sport Andrea Abodi, and the official closing of the Games by Special Olympics International Board Director and Athlete Leader Emmanuelle Dutra Fernandes de Souza. The Ceremony will also feature the official handover of the Special Olympics flag to the next host, the Special Olympics World Games Santiago 2027, and the exit of the Special Olympics Flame of Hope, followed by a dance party and celebration for the athletes.

The Ceremony in Turin held at Pala Gianni Asti will be a celebration by the athletes for the athletes. Hosted and designed by the Special Olympics Sargent Shriver Global Messengers, the evening will pay tribute to the accomplishments of the athletes, coaches, volunteers, and families in a meaningful and fun-filled party.

Both Ceremonies are private events and not open to the general public. Credential is required for entry to the Ceremony in Sestriere, and in Turin invited guests will receive a ticket upon entry with their credential.

15 March 2025
Start time: 6:00 PM
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